If you play your cards right during a period of low rates, you can reap financial wins that pay off in the long term.

Going guarantor on your child’s mortgage can help fast track their home ownership goals. But as a parent, there’s a lot you’ll need to know before jumping on board.

Regardless of your age, income or life goals, there are a few things everyone should consider putting on their financial to-do list this year.

Though we might understand that there are more important things in life than money, it can be hard to keep things in perspective when others seem to be spending with abandon.

Most people will experience a financial setback at some point in their lives. But there are some events that can turn your world on its head and force you to start over.

We tend to associate the term ‘cash flow’ with operating a business, but familiarising yourself with the concept can strengthen your personal finances too.

As you or your parents grow older, it’s easy to find yourself worrying about the cost of aged care. But is it so expensive that you’ll be forced to sell your home?

If you’re worried about entering retirement with lingering debt, here are a few things to keep in mind.

If a relative or loved one dies owing money, does it fall on their next of kin to cover any unpaid debts? The answer might be more complicated than you first thought.

It’s not the end of the world if you and your partner aren’t totally compatible when it comes to money. But things can get particularly messy when one partner feels the need to lie to the other.

For some people, the financial impact of divorce can be as devastating as the emotional impact. Here are some tips to help you make it out the other side with your finances intact.

Cost of living pressures have piled on over the last 12 months, and many Australians have entered the new year with a sense of apprehension. For anyone looking to ease the stress, these tips might be a good starting point.

The challenges faced by both renters and first home buyers in 2023 look set to continue this year. Are you better off picking one over the other?

The low fixed rates many Australians locked in over the pandemic period are gradually expiring. If you’re worried about what’s on the other side of the fixed rate cliff, here are some tips to help you with coping.

For anyone with uni debt, the recent indexation increase of 7.1% might come as a shock. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Beating inflation is no easy task, but Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some handy tips to help make the rising cost of living more manageable.

Worried that you won’t be able to give your family a helping hand in life without dipping into your retirement savings? Here are a few tips.

Do you struggle with impulsive spending or find saving money a chore? These small behavioural changes could help.

If rising rental payments have fuelled your desire to break into the property market, here are a few government programs that may help.

When mortgage repayments are on the up, using your home loan features to their full advantage can be a smart strategy.

We share some smart strategies to help keep your plans to start a family firmly intact.

Learn some simple ways to help set yourself up to be fighting fit for the year ahead.

Mortgage Broker Catherine Denney from Nook Money shares tips to help with getting a good outcome from a phone call to your lender.

Being self-employed can come with its challenges. If you have ‘lumpy’ income to deal with, here are a few tips on how to manage this income in good times, and bad.

Is the thought of budgeting enough to make your eyes glaze over? Here are a few ideas to turn budgeting boredom on its head.

How is your financial health? Check in on your finances with these simple and practical tips.

Stepping in to help children enter the property market might be a noble thing to do. But it can come with a few risks that are worth being aware of.

Becoming a master of delayed gratification means you can buy as many marshmallows as you want, forever. Delayed gratification is basically your ability to resist the allure of an instant reward.

On 29 March 2022, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022-23 Federal Budget. We provide an overview of key proposed policy measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa shares five simple questions worth asking yourself that could very well save you thousands.

APRA supervises institutions and promotes financial system stability. In this article, we discuss APRA’s new guidance and direction regarding home loan serviceability and income protection insurance.
A new financial year can be an opportune time to take stock of your overall personal finances and make changes if needed. In this article, we provide a list of questions that may help you with this.

When it comes to achieving financial wellbeing, financial literacy plays a key role. In this article, we have put together a quiz to test your knowledge across various areas of your personal finances.
With 30 June coming up, please consider putting aside time to review your personal finances—and take action, prior to this date, if appropriate. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.

There are over 100 lenders in Australia offering a combined total of nearly 4,000 different home loan products. In this article, we provide a general overview of home loan refinancing (or switching).

A home loan will most likely be the largest, and most time/cashflow-consuming, debt that you’ll pay off in your lifetime. In this article, we provide information on home loan repayment considerations.

In 2016, roughly 8.4 million (62%) of Australia’s 13.6 million home-owners did some kind of home improvement. In this article, we provide information on home improvements and overcapitalisation.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2020-21 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. We provide you with an overview of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

The pressure that can come with making a financial decision can lead to no decision being made and no action being taken. In this article, we discuss financial rules of thumb (decision shortcuts).
The Treasurer delivered a ‘mini-budget’ on 23 July 2020—an economic and fiscal update. In this article, we provide a summary of the update, inclusive of the main personal finance-related points.
The construction industry (among others) has been adversely impacted by COVID-19. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s recently announced HomeBuilder grant program.
With the end of financial year on the horizon, it’s important to review areas of our personal finances, and take action if required, before 30 June. In this article, we discuss EOFY planning tips.
When an adverse event does occur, the outcome for those with an appropriate measure in place and those without can be vastly different. In this article, we list various personal finance measures.
Economic and financial issues continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s support of businesses in this difficult time.
Economic and financial issues continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s support for individuals and households in this difficult time.
A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. In this article, we discuss New Year’s resolutions, and why it can be challenging to keep these resolutions (and resolutions generally).
Change is inevitable. In this article, we cover legislative changes to the Higher Education Loan Program, the Farm Household Allowance, the Paid Parental Leave Scheme, and overseas welfare recipients.
Getting ahead financially can involve an analysis of your existing financial situation; seeing if adjustments are required in one or more areas. In this article, we discuss household financial waste.

There continues to be a rise in the uptake by consumers of ‘buy now, receive now, pay later’ services offered by providers (e.g. Afterpay). In this article, we unpack the review of these services.

An important relationship exists between monetary policy, cash rates and interest rates. In this article, we take a look at what this relationship means for borrowers, savers and investors (retirees).
When it ticks over to a new financial year, often existing rates and thresholds increase, and new legislative instruments take effect. In this article, we discuss the state of play from 1 July 2019.

Following the federal election results, the Coalition has been re-elected. In this article, we provide a brief overview of one of their new proposed measures, the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme.
As we approach the end of financial year (EOFY), this can be an opportune time to do some fine-tuning in areas of your personal finances. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.
Proper, ongoing management accounting is crucial for running a successful, long-term business. This is the same for your personal accounting. In this article, we explore personal financial statements.
The saying ‘asset-rich, but income-poor’ can be an accurate description of the financial situation of some retirees. In this article, we look at the Government’s Pension Loans Scheme.
Several proposals regarding small and medium businesses, primary producers and farmers, consumers, aged care and education have recently been legislated. In this article, we unpack these for you.
With 2019 here, it’s time to kick-start your personal finances for the year ahead. In this article, we provide you with a financial checklist to help you take stock of your personal circumstances.
For some of us, there will come a time when we part ways with our spouse for one reason or another. In this article, we look at several findings regarding the financial impact of divorce.
In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with consumer-based distractions of a predominantly ‘want purchase’ nature. As a result, staying on the path towards the achievement of your financial goals and objectives can sometimes prove difficult. In this article, we discuss this further.
Treasurer Scott Morrison delivered the 2018-19 Federal Budget on 8 May 2018. We provide you with a summary of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
Residential investment properties are assets purchased to achieve an investment objective, and their acquisition is based on financial benefit. Income-generation is an important part of the rate of return equation. As such, we explore some considerations regarding attraction and retention of tenants.
Perspective can be a powerful tool when used appropriately. Have you ever wondered how you compare to the average Australian in terms of financial attitudes and behaviours? We look at several of the findings from ASIC’s latest Australian Financial Attitudes and Behaviour Tracker (Wave 5).

In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with situations in which we are required, or in some instances encouraged, to make a decision about what we spend our money on. We discuss several of the results from the renowned Marshmallow Experiment and how they may apply to your personal finances.
The 2017 Budget introduced many proposed measures aimed at addressing the issue of housing affordability and several of these are now law. We will review the new laws and how they relate to a residential property investor, retirees wishing to downsize or a prospective first homebuyer.
Warren Buffett, known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, is arguably one of the most successful investors of all time. In this article, we take a look at some of his most famous quotes and apply the meaning behind them to certain areas of your personal finances, such as investing, risk management and philanthropy.
When considering your personal finances, is there a battle between your present and future self? In this article, we look at the importance of aligning your present self with your future self.
The new financial year has ushered in many legislative changes when it comes to personal finances. These are most noticeable in superannuation, but also impact other areas. Read more about these changes and how they may affect you.
The end of financial year is close. In this article, we look at end of financial year planning strategies that may be worth considering, when it comes to tax and superannuation.

The domestic housing market has received considerable attention over the last 12 months due to concerns around housing affordability, especially for new entrants. In this article, we discuss things to consider before becoming a guarantor on a loan for a family member.
The 2017-18 Federal Budget delivered on the 9 May 2017 was packed with several already anticipated moves, whilst also delivering a few surprises. In this article, we provide a summary of the main announcements that may affect you.
A belief held by many economists is that there is at least one more interest rate cut expected from the Reserve Bank of Australia this year should employment, wages growth, and household spending continue to remain sluggish. We examine interest rate predictions and what they may mean for you.
Wealth accumulation can be as simple as putting aside money each week into a high-interest savings account, paying down your debts, or building a diversified investment portfolio inside or outside of superannuation. Does the family home also come into mind when considering your personal wealth?
There’s been recent cover in the news on how we are becoming increasingly exposed to gambling, due in part to the many options now available to us online. Being more informed can help you gain a better understanding of how gambling can impact you and your family.

The official cash rate in Australia now sits at a record low 1.5 per cent. The Reserve Bank of Australia cut the official cash rate in August for the second time in 2016. So why do interest rates move up and down all the time?
Are you planning a renovation? Renovating a property is more than just a pure financial decision. It can have significant implications not only for your cash flow, but also for your lifestyle. So before you get going, take stock and make sure you’ve considered everything.
A new financial year, just like a new calendar year is a great time to set new goals and make resolutions. For many people, setting resolutions is the easy part, but sticking to them can be quite difficult - some tricks on setting resolutions you can actually achieve.
If you have a Gen Y in your family, you may have noticed that their attitude to money is different to yours. Here are some things you can do to help your Gen Y stay on track financially.
Moving in with a partner can be an exciting time, but don’t just jump in. Take the time to think upfront about the financial practicalities and what it could mean if things don’t go according to plan. This might apply to you or a loved one.
It’s nearly time to sign off from work and start the holidays. Give yourself a stress-free vacation knowing that your finances are taken care of by ticking off these financial ‘to-dos’.
With so many decisions to make in life, we often forget to plan. But certain events are too important to gamble with - have you planned for the things that matter?
Do you know what your credit score is? Have you seen your credit report? Get informed about your credit history and find out how it affects your access to financial services. A lot more affects your credit score than you might think.
Spring property season is here and many investors are on the hunt. Perhaps you are considering whether investing in property is the appropriate choice for you? Here are some things you might like to consider first.
Have you spent your tax refund yet or are you planning to? There can be a number of worthwhile options when it comes to spending or investing your tax refund. You might utilise a couple of different ideas. We explore a few.
There are many things to consider when returning to work after caring for young ones. There are both financial and non-financial considerations. This article explores the important things that need to be considered.
Credit Card balance transfers can be a little tricky, however they can be beneficial. It is wise to compare apples with apples and be clear on honeymoon interest rates, fees and repayment terms. Find out what the benefits are and what to watch out for.
When the unexpected happens and unplanned financial expenses occur do you have the funds at call ready to cover them or are you someone who uses credit to bail yourself out?
Knowing just what to do with surplus cash can be difficult. How do you figure out whether it’s better to invest in your own name, pay down your mortgage or put more in your super fund?
If you’re looking to go broke then here are a few tried and tested money mistakes that people make and which can put you on the road to financial distress, fast! If you don’t want to go broke, avoid these.
What if you could reduce the interest on your home loan without making extra repayments on the loan? An offset account may enable you to do just that.
The benefits of a well-planned and executed home renovation are both financial and personal. Whilst renovating can be very exciting, it can also be quite stressful if not managed or budgeted properly. Here are our top tips to for planning a renovation:
Money is often referred to as wealth and people measure wealth in different ways. Some think of wealth as being their total assets, whilst others use their annual salary and some their hourly wage. But what exactly is money and what does it represent to you?
You don’t need to be an economic whiz to understand the Federal Budget, just take a quick look at our “Jargon Buster – Federal Budget Edition” for explanation of key terminology used by politicians, economists and the media when talking about the budget.
Recent changes to the Privacy Act have changed what information is recorded in our credit reports. Failure to pay our bills on time could now have significant consequences on our ability to secure finance in the future.
The decision on whether to give children pocket money, at what age, and how much will largely depend on your family values and financial position. What benefit does a little pocket money have in teaching children how to manage money?
In this article we look at the role of the RBA and the different types of interest applied to loans as they reach each of us as consumers.
If you feel like you’ve run out of time to get your affairs in order, the good news is there’s a few considerations which can help minimise your tax, and make the most of the money you earn.
If your budget points to there being surplus income left over each pay, it helps to have a plan for these savings.
Christmas is a time of giving and it’s very easy to overspend. Here are our tips to help reduce the new year debt headache or Christmas hangover!
In an age where the average person carries multiple credit cards, it still pays to pick the right ones.
As of the 30th September 2012 the first home owner grant for established properties will end. This will be replaced by the New Homes Scheme from 1 October 2012.
As of 1 July 2012, the new credit card reforms can potentially help you make reasonable savings and enable you to clear your debt faster.
If things are a bit tight you may be able to spend less without making too many radical changes to your standard of living. Making small changes can make a significant difference over the longer term.
One way to fund lifestyle costs in retirement is to use the equity in your own home. Reverse Mortgages enable the homeowner to release equity from their home while still residing in the property. Like most things, there are pro’s and con’s to using a Reverse Mortgage.
A Line of Credit Loan (LOC) allows you to have both a loan account and a bank account. Sometimes this bank account is called an Offset account.
Consumer finance is a great tool for retailers to make expensive items affordable to customers and an ideal way for customers to purchase goods that may have otherwise been out of reach due to low savings.
For some, it may seem trivial to review the nature of compounding, but it’s such a powerful tool for any investor that it warrants a review in this article.
If you do have future financial goals, such as, retirement, buying a house, paying off your mortgage or buying a car or boat, then planning can certainly help achieve such goals in a timely and effective way.
Although some parents are dead against it, many like the idea of giving their kids a bit of assistance to get started into adulthood. Regardless of what you look at, the earlier you start, the easier it will be.
Poor calibration of confidence indicates that we are not really aware of what we know and don't know, leading to either overconfidence or underconfidence. Such a position can lead to costly financial mistakes.
What does it mean to calibrate your confidence? Consider the accident ratios for young drivers. Drivers under 21 are more likely to be in a car accident than those over 21. Is the reason for this inexperience and therefore a lack of driving competence?

Money Personality is an innovative tool which can be used to further understand your preferences for dealing with money. This article provides some interesting background on this concept.

Before you ask for your next payrise, or receive your next payrise, ask yourself “is this going to be just another insane payrise?” So what makes for an “insane payrise”?
The RBA Governor has recently warned us to expect that interest rates will continue to climb. So what should you do in an environment where interest rates are still on the rise?
Debt and leverage was one of the main causes of the GFC. How did people lose their homes?
As there are so many areas of finance, it can be overwhelming to review every area of your finances. Here is a short list of suggestions that might help you choose some areas that you would like to review or make a change in.

Your money personality indicates what you are likely to look at, and how you are likely to make a financial decision. It applies to both the significant and trivial, like buying a house, a car and an ice cream.

What is the best way to achieve financial success? Money and finance have been around long enough now that surely someone has come up with the best way to achieve financial success.

70% of people experience conflict around money; perhaps the other 30% just don’t talk about it. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung believes that conflict is seldom based on what we are trying to achieve, but an outcome of disagreements on what is the best way to achieve what we want?